2023 Macquarie Uni CU MYC - Part Time Rego Page

Registrations closed
Registrations for this event are either not open yet, or have closed. If it's an upcoming event, please check back here soon!
Christian Union’s annual MYC is here! This week is a wonderful opportunity to dive into God’s word, make new friends and create awesome memories. This year, we are looking at THE RESURRECTION:
The belief in the resurrection is one of the core tenets of Christianity. But people often have questions about its certainty and relevance. Did Jesus really rise from the dead? If so, why? Where do people go after they die? Will life after death be any different from how it is now? How can I be sure?
But this future hope isn’t just reserved for when we think about death. It immediately changes the way we think about God, ourselves and the world. But how?
Join us for five days’ worth of understanding this massive topic from the Bible about RESURRECTION.
If at all possible, we encourage you to come to the totality of the conference – that’s how you’ll get most out of it. But if that’s not possible, please proceed with your part-time application.
When: Monday 17 July - Friday 21 July
Where: 8 Crusader Road, Galston NSW 2159
Cost per Day:
Day only:
Early bird: $100
Late Day Rego: $110
Day plus night:
Early bird: $125
Standard and late: $135
Rego Close:
Early Bird Monday 22nd May 9am
Standard Monday 19th June 9am
Late Friday 7th July 5pm
The last thing we want is for finances to stop you from coming to MYC – so you can request a subsidy. Head to this link to find out how: http://tiny.cc/mycsubsidy